Brampton Best 4.2% - won Bronze in cask Best Bitters category, and is a quintessentially British Best Bitter.
SIBAAWARDwinnerImpy Dark 4.3% - won Silver in the bottled Dark Beers category, and it a traditional dark mild ale.
SIBAAWARDwinnerWasp Nest 5.0% - won Silver in the bottled Premium Bitters category, and is a true English Best Bitter.
SIBAAWARDwinnerTudor Rose 4.6% - won Silver in the bottled Premium Pale Ales category, and is a hoppy, refreshing pale ale.
SIBAAWARDwinnerSpeciale 5.8% - won Gold in the bottled IPA category, and is a true English style IPA
SIBAAWARDwinnerMenin Gate 7.4% - won Gold in the bottled Strong Beers category, and is a premium Belgian Dubbel style ale.